The Haunted HouseThe Haunted HouseThe Haunted House
The Haunted HouseThe Haunted HouseThe Haunted House

The Haunted House

    • Mixed (13 ratings)

Fitzroy – Grimm Hq

  • Escape room
  • IRL

Mark as done to rate

A year ago to this very day, it is rumoured that the Cowley family had suffered a horrible fate at the hands of a demonic spirit called Eldrich the Evil. One by one, he had possessed the family, taking control of the eldest member before destroying their bodies in his attempts to find everlasting life. The youngest daughter Lillith had seen what was happening and had prepared ahead in the hope that once she was gone, someone brave enough could venture into their cursed home and find a way to banish Eldrich forever.

  • 4-10
  • 60 mins


All ratings (13)
