Illusion Manor: Book of Lost Souls
Illusion Manor: Book of Lost Souls

Illusion Manor: Book of Lost Souls

    • Mostly positive (2 ratings)

  • Haunt
  • Haunted house

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Permanently Closed - You have the uncanny sensation you are being watched. You catch a glimpse of someone lurking at the edge of your vision, yet they don’t seem truly present. An ever-present void, a faceless specter haunting the midnight hours. As you navigate the tight corridors, you are gripped by an imposing fear, ensnared in phantom paralysis. And there he stands, peering through you. Who is he? What secrets lie within his ominous book? And why does he leave behind pages whenever he departs? The mystery deepens, and you can’t help but feel compelled to unravel the truth behind this eerie encounter.

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