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Temporarily Closed - Embark on a journey through the Midnight Theater, entering horror film worlds where you must survive the deadly Slasher's rage. Can you escape these movie nightmares, or will you be trapped among decaying corpses in the ruined theatre? The sinister Midnight Theater beckons the brave into Cinema Slasher.
All ratings (73)
Very positive
Very positive
Customer service
Very positive
48 haunts
This was one of my top 2 haunts at Knott's this year. I thought the storyline and sets were super coherent and filled the space well.
Not scary
52 haunts
I don’t know if I just got lucky with a really good actor when I walked through, but I got more jump scares on this maze than any of the others. The creepy guys with film reels for a head were particularly freaky and really got in my face and followed me around—it was great!
A clever idea to be walking through movie theaters. They could have capitalized on the fear factor when you walk through even more by having more actors sitting in the theater to jump scare you.
Only for kids who already like horror and scary things.
Not at all
You just need to be able to walk through the whole maze.
Fully accessible
I had a really good actor who freaked me out and then followed me around and scared me again later in the maze.
Some wait
<10 minutes
< 15 min
At $35, this is a complete ripoff. Definitely carpool if you can.
46 haunts
Prepare to be spooked. The Knott’s actors are waiting around every turn and know how to pop out at just the right moment to make you jump. The set design is highly detailed and designed for terror at Knott’s Scary Farm. A few cons: the mazes are all very loud with sound effects and music that do little to add to the ambience of fear but do make you want to get out quicker. There is high amount of gore in most of the mazes. We generally prefer haunts that rely on spine-chilling creepiness rather than ritual slaughter. But to each their own. Cinema Slashers had a creative and interesting storyline. Very gory but definitely designed to invoke fear.
70 haunts
𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 �𓅝𓃄 �𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿 𓆜𓋘𓄁 𓊛𓇙𓋸𓌤𓌥 𓌦 𓅐𓆢 𓆣 𓀉𓆤 𓆥 𓅑𓆘 𓆙 𓅒𓄙 𓄚 𓄛 𓅓𓃺 𓃻 𓅔 𓅕 𓃕 𓃖 𓃗 𓎷 𓄁𓎸𓅖 𓅽 𓅾 𓅿𓅗 𓅘 𓇆 𓇇𓅙 𓅚 𓁵 𓁶𓂵 𓂶𓃝𓋲 𓋳𓀬 𓅛𓁃 𓂺𓅜 𓂨𓅝𓃄 𓄁𓅞𓂙 𓅟𓂿
10 haunts
Dawg… they had Frankenhooker split in two and stuck to a wall in one of the backgrounds. When there’s that much attention to detail on a niché property, you know the haunt is great.
32 haunts
The concept and creative kills set this apart as one of the best of the 2023 batch. When it comes to slashers, the kills must be unique, creative, and fun, and this maze does not disappoint. With homages to tropes found in classic slashers, such as the sorority house or the camp grounds, it was fun to see how the killer dispatched their victims in gory, almost artistic ways. Make sure to hit this maze before the night ends.
The line for this can be very long, so front-of-the-line passes can be useful, but the wait times die down toward the end of the night.
Not at all
As a maze, it will involve navigating the environments.
Long wait
At its high point, the line hit an 80 minute wait time on a Friday night. Later on in the night toward closing, it died down to 30 minutes.
< 15 min
Gore and death
47 haunts
Really great that they named the movies from past mazes. My favorite part is the concession stand, I won't give it away but it works well. Takes a while to walk through and I enjoy every minute of it.
Not at all
Some wait
< 15 min
19 haunts
This is a brand new maze to celebrate Knotts Scary Farms 50th anniversary. While inside I also noticed that it was also a tribute for favorite mazes of the past. All of the spaces were well designed with plenty of areas for Scareactors to use. It seems like the maze kept going and going. There was a really cool fx in the lobby with the Scareactor and the music will for sure be stuck in your head all night.
350 haunts
What a fun slasher themed walk thru 2024 is great too! Hardly a wait
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