85 escape rooms
ugh…what a mess. i cant ever be bothered to write reviews, but i felt compelled to with this one. what starts as something pretty cool, a bit exciting and different quickly descends into one of, if not THE most tasteless, schizophrenically tone deaf, (weirdly?) offensive scenarios for an escape rooms we’ve ever played. also felt like there were strangely dehumanizing misogynistic overtones, also played for laughs, especially toward the end. i think had it been played more “straight” from what the description entailed instead of morphing into this weird rugpull near the beginning it would have worked better (maybe). we really were kind of in disbelief at what was being played off for humor. like, you got to be demented or some kind of murderer-to-be to think any of this was funny. No lightweights or negative nancies here in our group either, it just was in really poor taste all around. shame because the build out and set design is quite impressive. puzzles range from a few inspired ones to “what the $&%@ is wrong with these people”. kind of hard to believe this was made by the same people who made Aunt Suzie’s Condo and Bruno’s Bistro, two infinitely better rooms. Website says “sense of humor required” for Skin Deep. i think y’all who made this should develop a sense of taste and go get therapy while you’re at it 👎
shocking and disgusting and not in a fun way, especially with several puzzles toward the end.
yeah. it made us angry
memorable for all the wrong reasons. absolutely braindead. nothing made logical sense and it just kept getting worse
ideally? zero
Not scary
May 6, 2024