72 escape rooms
This was a novel idea in a small room setting. It felt larger than it was. Aesthetically it was done very nicely. It incorporated some elements that were knew to us and that made for an interesting time. However a key story piece opened early and kind of ruined the ending for us. (However it is now called something else so maybe that is not an issue). Also the final puzzle was very complex (and color drive). It also did not work. Enough that the GM had to come into the room to look and even he could not get it to work. So it was a huge break in the story and a meh ending for us. Also, while I understand the need for some color puzzles, I personally feel they should be intermingled and not the last puzzle of a room. As someone who struggles with colors, I am ok checking out or standing uselessly while other solve a color puzzle during a room. If it is the last puzzle though. It definitely is a letdown in those crucial moments.
Nice idea. Flow could have been nice.
Design was great. Novel idea of having to throw things. Never had to do that before and it was nerve racking.
Great service!
High tech
Very high tech.
Not scary
Not at all
Jan 7, 2023 | Experienced Oct 21, 2022