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Escape rooms
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Special Ops: Mysterious Market
The Escape Game - San Jose
Escape room
It’s insane how a game of this caliber can be reproduced across the entire country. Definitely the best game I have played from a major chain (note: I have not played any other games from The Escape Game yet). A great immersive storytelling game with solid puzzles, a great atmosphere change, and enough plot to make you feel like the main characters in your own espionage film. (This also would work well as an introduction to escape rooms though it would definitely be a harder beginner game.)
Forsaken Temple
Omescape - Sunnyvale
Escape room
An underrated epic adventure game that gets slightly bogged down by too much unnecessary movement for the use of a couple gameplay mechanics between rooms and unnecessary story scenes that get this- require more unnecessary movement between rooms for the group to see them. If these issues were fixed and there was just a little bit more pizzaz to the game (especially more usage of a particular game mechanic that feels like something straight from a video game) this would probably be in my top 10, but as is this game still deserves the heart rating and stands up with the rest of the Omescape Sunnyvale games.
Stash House
Stash House
Escape room
Ghost Patrol
Trivium Games
Escape room
I will not say anything about this game except A. This was very different tonally and story-wise from what I was expecting, it definitely isn’t a traditional ghost story (even already knowing this was absolutely not a horror game). B. Wow! Easy top 5 right here for my 70th room.
40 Thieves
MindTrap Escape Room - Temecula
Escape room
This is such a well put-together experience. Like, there’s a few puzzles that have definite gameplay issues or some that feel a little too simple and lazy and feel like they were just tacked on. But every puzzle feels naturally part of the games story, every little detail feels like a natural part of the world, and despite the game being a traditional escape room keeps managing to pull off surprising effects that kinda blow my mind that they were made on an escape room budget and not on a Disney/Universal ride budget. This is probably the game that feels the most lived-in out of any non-actor game I have played. Honestly, I just kinda wish there was more.
Winnie The Pooh
MindTrap Escape Room - Murrieta
Escape room
This is just really freaking charming. I really don’t know how to describe this other than when you think about a Winnie the Pooh themed escape room this is like the perfect example of what you would think about (not saying you need to be a Winnie the Pooh fan to enjoy this). This doesn’t have the most standout puzzles in existence but that’s really my only complaint. Just play this now. (Also it’s pretty beginner friendly.)
MindTrap Escape Room - Murrieta
Escape room
It’s not the most memorable game but this game is just all around great and detailed in all aspects. This is also probably the best beginner friendly game I have ever played. Just all around really good.
The Nest [Immersive Theatre]
Hatch Escapes
Escape room
This show/game is such a special experience. I could nitpick this game and make a lot of little criticisms but honestly that feels pointless cause in the end that can’t take away the dark beauty of this experience as a whole. Can’t really say anymore without spoiling. (I guess I will mention this experience might not be for everyone as it’s very listening-heavy and story-focused, though I personally don’t think it’s so different it’s inaccessible to most escape room players)
Stash House
Stash House
Escape room
A phenomenal large group game with a consistent drug house theme that feels huge in scope. Puzzles flow nicely and there are the perfect amount of them (minus one thread which goes on a bit too long with the same general puzzle repeated way too many times). The setting is great with a story that’s always growing in subtle ways you don’t expect. It doesn’t have the flashiest presentation nor does it have any huge standout moments but what’s here feels almost perfect!
Dr. Hader’s Cartoon World
Scenario Escape Room
Escape room
A game with a good amount of (mostly) standard but expertly presented and fun puzzles that does a decent job telling a surprising story. Is never not fun throughout the entire experience. The bonus puzzles also offer extra things for you to do in the room till the end of your time without compromising the main game, something that I wish was seen in more games. The game does however have a good amount of puzzles with things that seemed hard to see and required good eye sight, but there were ways for the gm (who was great btw) to bypass these issues and other technical difficulties that came up.
Omescape - Sunnyvale
Escape room
Wow. Just wow. This game more than justifies it’s feature film length time by feeling like a feature film in itself with a 3-Act structure that you get to be the main character in! This game’s scope is absolutely massive and creates a world that really feels lived in with limited space and only grows throughout the experiences and actually makes you feel like a part of it. Both puzzles and setting evolved throughout the entire game while staying delightful and occasionally hilarious. The only issues this game has comes from it’s overall gameplay as the unique puzzles feel easy and somewhat short-lived with most of the game’s difficulty coming from repetitive and sometimes overly-difficult memory puzzles. There are way too many memory-based puzzles in this game, especially in the 2nd half. Regardless this game is one of the absolute best games I have ever played!!!