155 escape rooms
Percy’s Predicament was a delightful experience in every way. Right from the start, it’s a fun entry way and a welcoming lobby. The room owners are kind and very invested in you having a great experience. The room is designed for everyone to be able to enjoy it, there is a main goal that can either take you the whole time or you can solve quickly depending on your experience and skill level. Once the main goal is achieved there are plenty of puzzles left to keep you working and happy clear up to the very last second. We played with three of our kids aged 11-17 and everyone was busy working and solving puzzles without bottle necking, wandering aimlessly, or getting frustrated. If they couldn’t figure out a puzzle there was another one to try instead. Overall a great family room and a wonderful experience.
Such a fun and clever room! Well designed to keep everyone busy and engaged.
Very immersive and well done.
Designed to keep every level of player satisfied. A main goal to “win” and then plenty more puzzles to keep you entertained and busy up to the very last second.
Not scary
Lots of walking/running to and fro
Mar 26, 2023 | Experienced Mar 26, 2023