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On a road trip with your group, you find yourself out of gas, without cell service, and having not seen a building or even a road sign in hours. Did you take a wrong turn? The only voice you can find on the radio warns of a sudden, incoming storm. The biggest in decades, perhaps. You need shelter. The only hope you see is a dirt path off the road that’s led you to this cabin. Have you found help? Is it abandoned? You can hear thunder in the distance, growing louder, closer… You’d better get inside. Are you safe? Or should you have stayed in your car?
190 escape rooms
So much potential. Unfortunately, we didn’t feel that much care was put into this location and room. Parking was difficult, communication was almost nonexistent, and there were four major issues during the game that were completely due to lack of maintenance. These were discussed with the game master afterward, acknowledged, and then simultaneously described as not being a big deal. They were material problems that stopped the game cold.
This room has tons of potential; however, it has not been maintained and there are locks, keys, and hints that are non-functioning and “not yet updated correctly”, per our game master
The atmosphere is fantastic, which is the redeeming aspect of this game
It is an extremely hands-off approach, causing is to have to leave the room to get attention on a game malfunction because nobody was listening to what we told them in the room, so they’d keep feeding video clues when we called for assistance
In a good way
36 escape rooms
I think my reasons for enjoying this escape room as much as I did was 80% the room itself and 20% my game master, but that is not to discount the room by any means. This room's elaborate design that doesn't skip any details, combined with the (unintentionally?) cheap and creaky floors made this one of the most immersive escape rooms I've ever played. We (myself and one other) probably would've gotten out had it not been for us spending the first 10 minutes hiding in the corner because we were so scared! That can be attested to William, our game master, who made sure to explain that grown men had peed their pants in the room and the lock didn't work because someone broke it trying to sprint out of the room. Although it wasn't very scary in retrospect, the paranoia in the moment combined with the excellent design made this a room I'll be playing again just to see how some of my friends react! Out of 19 escape rooms I've played as of the time of writing, this one ranks 2nd.
The puzzles ran very smoothly and cohesively, with everything working perfectly and adding to the atmosphere. Although I am confused about one of the puzzles and what it was supposed to do, there are no complaints for me as an escape room employee myself.
Some of the best!
As you could guess by my review, William is my favorite game master I've ever had! He truly made the experience a full step up.
Of the 19 escape rooms I have played at the time of writing, this is the only one that I feel was deliberately made to be scary. I know this is commonplace and predictable, but there aren't many where I'm from. That made it very unique and felt unlike any escape room I've ever played.
The plot was definitely memorable, but the horror element does do this room a lot of favors in terms of plot and overall experience. That said, I did love how the plot elevated the game and some of the technology drove it even further.
I don't know if I would consider even the easiest escape rooms (except maybe those made for kids) non-challenging. That said, most of the puzzles were fairly simple when taking the scary factor out of the picture. When I go back and play again I will obviously find it much easier than before. There was one notable exception that I found to be tricky in a "hiding in plain sight" type of way, but even then it wasn't too bad once I figured it out.
This room is kinda in the middle - while there was a lot of lock and key - especially in the beginning and end - there were a lot of really cool sensors and technical elements as well throughout the game.
This can be said for all escape rooms in my opinion. While they're definitely doable with 2 or 3, I think 4 is the magic number and anything else is on the verge of too much.
Although it felt like the highest tier while in the room, looking back on it it really wasn't that bad. Some props and effects do keep this in the third tier "scary" though.
It really depends on how much of a scaredy cat you are, if you will. Some younger or more jumpy audiences will probably hate this room as it's immersion makes the player feel very uneasy if it's not your cup of tea. As a game master myself, I wouldn't recommend any escape room for anyone below 12 or 13, but this one must be approached with caution.
Like I said before, there was one puzzle that I'm not certain how it worked, but I have a decent guess and I don't believe it was broken by any means.
I think every escape room is to a degree. This one didn't require anything excessive, but I don't know if any room is considered "not at all."
The room does require both listening to audio clues, seeing in a dark room, and I believe there is a step up to get from one part of the game to another. That said, I think mostly everyone could enjoy this room.
39 escape rooms
Puzzle Quality: 12.5/20 Looks/Theme: 11.5/15 GameMaster Rating: 4.5/10 Operation Fluidity: 4/5 Combined Rating: 32.5/50 Overall Difficulty: 7/10 Quick Notes: - Multiple rooms, medium and large in size. - Horror theme and storytelling done pretty well. CATEGORIES EXPLAINED IN MORE DETAIL BELOW: Puzzle Quality - How intuitive, logical, and unique the puzzles were. How well do the puzzles fit the theme? Looks/Theme - How much effort, time, and money went into making an immersive and unique atmosphere. GameMaster Rating - How attentive and helpful was the game master? Were the hints given in a timely manner and were they quality hints that helped but did not give you the solution too directly? Operation Fluidity - Was the game reset properly? Was it clean inside the room? Were the code entry and solution methods working properly as intended? Overall Difficulty - This is fairly subjective but is mostly correlated to how many total puzzles and how time consuming they each are compared against the 60 minute time limit that almost all rooms have. Combined Rating - Simply a total tally out of 50 of the four main categories. (Puzzle Quality and Looks/Theme are weighted a little more because they are the most important parts of having a good experience). The higher the number, the better the room! Just remember that a 5/10 or 7.5/15 or a 25/50 combined rating is an AVERAGE rating (for some reason in most people’s heads, a 5/10 is a below average or bad rating). So if a room has a combined rating of above 25, then it is a quality room and a good experience that I would recommend! It has to be a really well done room to score above a 35.
85 escape rooms
Incredibly solid room. Lots of fun puzzles and the theme and set design are great!
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