6 escape rooms
Good: Good lighting, really nice sets, some interesting mechanics that stepped beyond just electronic puzzles. Good variety of puzzles. Good hint mechanic. Mixed: interesting story idea, but not progressed much throughout the experience, and puzzles didn't connect to the story. End of escape room had a bit more plot though. Bad: some puzzles were easy to understand but hard to physically do because the electronics were very precise. Fewer puzzles that involves the room at large.
GM was friendly, helpfu, and geuine, though not fully in character
The end of the escape room scales in difficulty depending on your success at the beginning.
The story was pretty well integrated into the game elements
The hardest parts of the puzzles were not based around how to solve the puzzles, but physically executing the puzzles
High tech
Not scary
Not at all
Many of the puzzles revolved around red/green lighting, so not ideal for those with color blindness
Jul 22, 2024 | Experienced Jul 22, 2024