444 escape rooms
Mish Mash Adventures is more of a challenging playground than a typical escape room experience. Instead of one room that you escape within 2 hours or so, there are about 16 rooms that you can challenge within 1 or 2 hours. You aren’t required to clear every room to “win.” In fact, there is no actual overall win condition for the experience. Rather, you are encouraged to clear as many as you can. What makes this very different from typical escape room challenges is that about half of them are physical challenges. Very active physical challenges! Some challenges are reminiscent to Ninja Warrior obstacle courses! Needless to say, my team instead opted to do the more intellectual, logic puzzles. None of the puzzles are really super challenging logically, but they may require concentration, which is hard to achieve when lots of kids are yelling in the big warehouse-like environment. It made some of these rooms more frustrating than they should have been. Overall, this experience is best suited for kids and teenagers or athletic individuals, but not necessarily those wanting an escape room per se. Still, some of these unique experiences combining both athletic prowess and logical thinking are challenges that I will never see in normal escape rooms, so I’m glad to have tried it here!
Dec 5, 2024 | Experienced May 29, 2022