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Escape rooms
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Escape rooms (18)
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女王と国のために [For Queen & Country]
Studio Escape Nipponbashi
Escape room
As the owners are originally from UK, the rooms are catered for both Japanese and English language, and it is smooth. The hosts are great and very helpful. This room and all the other rooms within Studio Escape are one of the best I've ever played. The stories are compelling, and the decoration are top class. The price of the rooms are high, but these rooms still gets my highest recommendation!
The Curium Experience
Escape room
I will just echo what others have said, this is probably the most advanced escape room in Melbourne, and highly recommend it.
欲望のダイヤモンド [The Dame & the Diamond] Version 2
Studio Escape Nipponbashi
Escape room
As the owners are originally from UK, the rooms are catered for both Japanese and English language, and it is smooth. The hosts are great and very helpful. This room and all the other rooms within Studio Escape are one of the best I've ever played. The stories are compelling, and the decoration are top class. The price of the rooms are high, but these rooms still gets my highest recommendation!
Australia's Original Escape Room
Escape Room Melbourne - ERM
Escape room
This was my very first escape room and set my love for escape rooms! Walked towards the backyard and saw the mother in the living room watching TV surrounded by books. I initially thought we had to play around her as she watches haha, but the real room was actually in the old garage. Would highly recommend especially for first timers or beginners!
The Crumbling Prince - Episode 2
Escape room
Enjoyable but still preferred Episode 1. This one felt more like Episode 1a rather than Episode 2 to be honest. Apparently they have plans to create a number of Episode (5+?), but this was mentioned almost 10 years ago so I think that plan is out the window.
Challenge Rooms
Hijinx Hotel - Chadstone
Escape room
Just to be clear, these aren't escape rooms. They have elements of escape rooms, but this is probably more catered for those that would never think they would enjoy escape rooms or think they are lame. The decor is really well done, and the theme is great including the staff. There are times where you have to wait with other people. It was loads of fun, and I would recommend this one to all types of people. Just be warned not to wear anything tight fitting, as depending on how competitive you are, you will likely break a sweat!
Dragon’s Dungeon
Escape Artistz Escape Rooms
Escape room
I am very surprised to see this room rated so highly. It was basic at best. The GM just lets us in without saying a word, so we have no clue what this story is about. Apparently we are in a dungeon, however the walls and floor were just painted with one colour and had no texture. Props were simple, and we could even hear the other room next door clearly.
Alien Assault
Mystery Manila - Century City Mall
Escape room
My opinion is that you should start players with an easy or straightforward puzzle to help start off, or some sort of storyline. I spent the first few minutes to find out what the first step was, and when it was found, it was a little unusual. However as you progress, it starts to slowly make sense. The props were great, and they made use of the puzzles quite well. There is a lot of electronic puzzles but what can you expect being on a spaceship. And they at least tie up the story at the end, which some rooms forget to do.
The Haunted House
The Mystery Rooms
Escape room
Creepy af, but enjoyable. The rooms here are created with care and they all intertwine with one another in the end. Would recommend.
Left Behind The Great Escape - Circuit X Makati
Escape room
The story matches well with the decor of the room, and you feel compelled to progress the story. There is flow, and some parts are frustrating puzzles that you kick yourself when you finally solve it. The best kind of puzzle in my opinion. They make use of the room quite well, and feels larger than what it really is.